Preschool Students Working With Female Teacher
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) » ECSE - Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)/SPPI 7

ECSE - Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)/SPPI 7

State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 7

Early Childhood Outcomes
Since the Fall of 2007, all school districts in the state of Texas must complete a Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) for every preschool child (age 3-5 yr) who qualifies for special education services. This is in accordance with State Performance Plan Indicator #7 (also known as Early Childhood Outcomes). School district staff must be trained to complete the COSF, which assigns a rating of 1-7 for each child compared to typically developing peers in three outcome areas. This data will be submitted to the Texas Education through an online data collection system (TEAL).

School districts/charters are encouraged to train appropriate staff (ECSE teachers, speech therapists and any other special education personnel) in order to be prepared to submit entry and exit data to the Texas Education Agency. ESC-20 offers online as well as face to face Early Childhood Outcomes training. Please check Connect20 course offerings annually for on-site professional development sessions. Technical Assistance in completing SPPI 7 requirements is also available to local education agencies.

SPPI 7 Resources

State Resources

National Resources