Young Students Working Together
Programs and Services » School Services » McKinney-Vento


Education Service Center, Region 20 Homeless Education is a program designed to provide training and technical assistance to school districts on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and proper identification of homeless students. The ESC-20 Homeless Education Program facilitates collaboration between schools and community agencies to ensure that the identified homeless students receive necessary services.

McKinney-Vento Act

McKinney-Vento Liaisons

All Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are required to designate an appropriate staff member as their local homeless education liaison. This liaison is responsible for ensuring that children in homeless situations are identified as homeless, are enrolled in school, and are provided with the educational services they are eligible to receive..
A list of homeless liaisons at LEAs in Texas is available on the Texas Homeless Education Office website.  For additional information or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Cynthia Hernandez, the Region 20 McKinney-Vento Consultant at 210-370-5773 or via email at [email protected].
Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program  
TEA - Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth (TEHCY) Program
Please complete this form to request McKinney-Vento posters for each of your campuses.  A sample of each poster can be found below: 
Posters for Parents

English Version

Posters for School-Aged Youth

English Version

Spanish Version


Please complete this form to request ESC-20 McKinney-Vento flyers for your campus.  A sample of the flyer can be found below.
(Note: Flyers are front and back with English on one side and Spanish on the other.)

ESC-20 McKinney-Vento Flyer



Texas Education for Homeless Children & Youth (TEHCY)
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM