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Resources and Links

Texas Education Agency (TEA) Performance Standards Project for Gifted/Talented Students - The Performance Standards represents an initial effort to develop statewide standards and an accompanying assessment system that will capture the high levels of achievement exhibited by gifted and talented students in Texas. In addition to providing summative information on an individual student's learning, the results of this assessment may be used to improve a campus's or district's efforts to serve gifted and talented students.

Texas Education Agency (TEA) Gifted and Talented - This resource provides Districts with support to better understand the state requirements for Gifted/Talented services. 

Texas Education Agency (TEA) Advanced Academics Page - Advanced Academics includes courses, programs, assessments, services and supports that provide opportunities for students to demonstrate college and career readiness and earn postsecondary credit.
Equity in Gifted and Talented Education - The goal of the Equity in Gifted/Talented Education project is to encourage equitable representation of student populations in G/T programs throughout the state. This site provides tools and resources for districts that can be used to inform local policies and assess and modify current services to meet community needs.

G/T Teacher Toolkit - The G/T Teacher Toolkit is meant for teachers of gifted students who want to ensure that their students undertake professional research and develop high quality products in concordance with the State Goal for Services for Gifted Students.

G/T Teacher Toolkit II - This updated Toolkit has resources that are more specific to getting the most out of your Gifted Students that are currently in Pre AP/AP/and IB Courses.

National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) - The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) is a non-profit organization of parents, teachers, educators, other professionals and community leaders who unite to address the unique needs of children and youth with demonstrated gifts and talents as well as those children who may be able to develop their talent potential with appropriate educational experiences.

Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT) - TAGT mission is to promote awareness of the unique social, emotional, and intellectual needs of gifted and talented students and to impact the development of appropriate services to meet these needs.

Texas G/T Program Implementation Resource - In this resource you’ll find: implementation strategies for gifted/talented (G/T) programs with information for various roles on the campus and in the district. This website also houses customizable templates and resources for implementing G/T Services. You will also find best practices related to the five sections of the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students.

Texas Gifted Education Family Network - The Texas Gifted Education Family Network works to support equity in gifted education by engaging in activities in three areas: (a)connecting families who have an interest in gifted education, (b) educating and supporting families on topics related to gifted education and talent development, and (c) advocating for strong, vibrant, and appropriately challenging education programs that benefit students who demonstrate exceptional performance or the potential for exceptional performance.