Region 20 Lion's Club
Our 49,000 clubs and 1.4 million members in 200 countries make us the world's largest service club organization.
We are one of the most effective service club organizations.
We get the job done.
- Christmas Poinsettias - View Poinsettia Flyer
- Christmas Wreaths
- Cookbook
- Popcorn
- RaiseRight Gift Cards (e-mail [email protected] for information)
- Spring Plants
- Complete application.
As a Lion, you’ll:
- Help your community
- Gain valuable skills
- Make an impact on people’s lives, both locally and internationally
- Learn to be a leader – and lead a respected organization
- Network with business people in your community and around the world
- Energize your life and have fun
When it comes to meeting challenges, our responsibility is simple: We serve.
In 205 countries, in hospitals and senior centers, in regions battered by natural disaster, in schools and in eyeglass recycling centers, Lions are at work, helping, leading, planning and supporting. Because we're local, we can serve the unique needs of the communities where we live. And because we're global, we can address challenges that go beyond borders.
We want everyone to see a better tomorrow.
That's why we support sight programs and services including vision screenings, eye banks and eyeglass recycling, provide eye care services to those at risk of losing their sight, and raise donations through fundraising campaigns.
We believe everyone deserves a healthy life.
From providing health programs that focus on hearing loss to supporting efforts to control and prevent diabetes, we're working to improve the health of children and adults around the world.
We empower the next generation.
Whether it's providing volunteer and leadership experiences in a Leo club or sharing a message of peace through our Peace Poster contest, our youth programs invest in the future by reaching out to young people.
We serve local communities – and protect the planet.
From performing hands-on service projects to providing emergency assistance, our community and environmental programs improve our communities – and protect the environment.
Than Any Other
Service Club Organization
Interested in joining?
Join - $30 / $25 quarterly / Spouses Join FREE / $12.50 quarterly
Deepthi Bommera, President
Harriett Jackson, First Vice President & Membership Director
Elijah Jackson, III, Second Vice President & Service Project Director
Ken Book, Treasurer
Debbie Book, Secretary
Our Current Members
Deepthi Bommera
Debbie J. Book
Ken Book
Lilliana Clark
Julie Segura-Cordova
Golden Eagle
Demarcus Jackson
Elijah Jackson III
Harriett Jackson
Beverly Meyer
Norman Randolph
Christine Ryktarsyk
Elizabeth Ryktarsyk
Ed Vara
Officer Responsibilities
- Submit regular monthly and other reports to the international office of the association on blanks
- provided by it containing such information as may be called for by the board of directors of this association;
- Submit to the district governor's cabinet such reports as it may require including copies of regular membership and activities reports;
- Cooperate with and be an active member of the district governor's advisory committee of the zone in which the club is located;
- Have custody and keep and maintain general records of this club, including records of minutes of club and board meetings; attendance; committee appointments; elections; member information, addresses and telephone numbers of members; members club accounts;
- Arrange for issuance, in cooperation with the treasurer, quarterly or semiannual statements to each member for dues and other financial obligations owed to this club, collect and turn the same over to the club treasurer and obtain a receipt;
- Give bond for the faithful discharge of his/her office in such sum and with such surety as determined by the board of directors.
Treasurer. He/she shall:
- Receive all monies, from the secretary and otherwise, and deposit the same in a bank or banks recommended by the finance committee and approved by the board of directors;
- Pay out monies in payment of club obligations only on authority given by the board of directors.All checks and vouchers shall be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by one other officer, determined by the board of directors;
- Have custody and keep and maintain general records of club receipts and disbursements;
- Prepare and submit monthly and semiannual financial reports to the international office of the association and the board of directors of this club;
- Give bond for the faithful discharge of his/her office in such sum and with such surety as determined by the board of directors.
Membership Director. The membership director shall be the chairperson of the membership committee. The responsibilities for this position shall be:
- Development of a growth program specifically for the club and presented to the board of directors for approval.
- Regular encouragement at club meeting to bring in new quality members.
- Ensuring implementation of proper recruitment and retention procedures.
- Preparation and implementation of orientation sessions.
- Reporting to the board of directors on ways to reduce the loss of members.
- Coordination with other club committees in fulfilling these responsibilities.
- Serving as a member of the zone level membership committee.
Lion Tamer. The Lion tamer shall have charge of and be responsible for the property and paraphernalia of the club, including flags, banners, gong, gavel, song books and button board. He/she shall put each in its proper place before each meeting and return the same to the proper storage area after each meeting. He/she shall act as sergeant at arms at meetings, see that those present are properly seated, and distribute bulletins, favors and literature as required at club and board meetings. He/she shall give special attention to assure that each new member sits with a different group at each meeting so that he/she can become better acquainted.
Tail Twister. He/she shall promote harmony, good fellowship, life and enthusiasm in the meetings through appropriate stunts and games and the judicious imposition of fines on club members. There shall be no ruling from his/her decision in imposing a fine, provided, however, that no fine shall exceed an amount fixed by the board of directors of this club, and no member shall be fined more than twice at any one meeting. The tail twister may not be fined except by the unanimous vote of all members present. All monies collected by the tail twister shall be immediately turned over to the treasurer and a receipt be given.
- A student who wishes to pursue a two year college degree
- A student who wishes to pursue a four year college degree
- A student who wishes to pursue advanced educational training in a career trade school
Name of Scholarship:
Lyle M. Book Memorial Scholarship Scholarship
$1,500+ (Based on funds raised)
- Applicants must be enrolled or be a midterm graduate for the current academic year.
- Applicants wishing to pursue a two or four year college degree must have an overall minimum “B” average for all four years of high school work.
- Applicants wishing to pursue advanced educational training in a career trade school must have an overall minimum “C” average for all four years of high school work.
- A copy of the high school transcript must accompany the scholarship application.
- Applicant must submit a letter of acceptance from a college, university, or trade career school.
- Applicant must include why he/she should be considered for the scholarship.
- Applicant should include all extra-curricular and community activities and your future goals and career plans.
- Applicant must include address, phone number, email (if possible), and a recent photograph.
- Applicant must include at least two character reference letters (one of which must be from a teacher, counselor, or principal). These can be submitted with application or emailed to chairperson. See contact below.
- Children or grandchildren of ESC-20 Lions Club members will receive additional points toward their application.
Applicants will be judged on the following basis:
- Attitude toward learning and ambition to succeed
- Character, integrity, personality, citizenship
- Desire for further education
- Acceptance and enrollment in an institution of higher education or technical school
- Completion of the scholarship application with all requirements, character references, and extra-curricular activities
An interview may be required by the scholarship committee.
Scholarship Committee:
Committee will be selected by the San Antonio Region 20 Lions Club Board of Directors.
The San Antonio Region 20 Lions Club will issue a check payable to the scholarship recipient(s). All submitted materials are kept confidential and will become the property of the San Antonio Region 20 Lions Club.
Application Posted to Website: Monday, January 6, 2025.
Application and required documents Submitted: No later than Friday, April 25, 2025.
Award Announced: Thursday, May 15, 2025.
Submit application:
Service Projects
Habitat for Humanity San Antonio
Assist in home construction to help low-income families on their journey toward home ownership.
Eye screenings as a part of HEB Feast of Sharing in December. Join in the feast and help provide eye screenings to attendees at the San Antonio Feast of Sharing! You will be provided all the information and training needed to help! Each year many individuals are provided the much-needed screenings and referrals for vision care.
Salvation Army Shoefitter “Shoe-In for Kids” Project
Volunteers fit elementary school-age needy children with a new pair of shoes and socks. Each year over 2,000 children receive new shoes.
Texas Lions Camp
Workdays and camper dinner service in support of children with disabilities, Down’s syndrome, and diabetes.

Meeting Dates:
Scholarship Dinner
Jun 25, 2025 (In Person)