Young Students Posing For A Photo
Programs and Services » School Health, Safety, and Counseling Services » School Health, Safety, and Counseling Services

School Health, Safety, and Counseling Services

The School Health, Safety, and Counseling Services Team includes includes consultants for School Counseling, School Health, and School Safety as well as a School Safety Program Manager, a Project AWARE consultant, and a Behavioral Health Partnership Program Liaison from the Center for Health Care Services. They work closely together to provide training and resources that support the physical and mental wellness of all students in schools that are safe and healthy. 

Sign up for Youth Mental Health First Aid at Region 20!

Flyer sharing information on upcoming ESC 20 Mental Health First Aid sessions

For additional MHFA training opportunities, see the flyer below!

Youth Mental Health First Aid


Mental Health First Aid is an international training program that has proven to be effective through peer-reviewed and evidence-based research. Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth. This course is free through your Local Mental Health Authority (LMHA). To bring the Youth MHFA course to your campus or re-certify previously trained staff in the new curriculum, please contact your LMHA MHFA Coordinator. MHFA Coordinator contact information can be found in the flyer below.  Youth Mental Health First Aid is listed on Governor Abbott's School Safety Initiative.
Youth Mental Health First Aid Flyer


Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 153, School District Personnel, Subchapter BB, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Professional Development, 153.105 Mental Health Training

The proposed Commissioner of Education Rules concerning HB 3’s Mental Health Training Requirements are now available and open for public comments. This link will provide you with more information: Proposed Commissioner of Education Rules | Texas Education Agency


Information on Public comment period for Proposed New Rules for 153.1015 Mental Health Training Requirements

Join us for a conversation on implementation strategies utilizing Mental Health First Aid.


VIRTUAL Lunch and Learn: Implementing Mental Health First Aid - A Solution for HB 3 Compliance
Texas Health and Human Services Commission School Mental Health Supports
This interactive map allows districts to identify their ESC as well as their Local Mental Health Authority (LMHA). By clicking the photo below, you will be redirected to the website of the interactive map. 
Interactive map that crosswalks districts to their ESC and LMHA

The Texas Education Code §38.351 requires the Texas Education Agency, in coordination with the Health and Human Services Commission and regional education service centers, to provide and annually update a list of recommended best practice-based programs and research-based practices for implementation in public elementary, junior high, middle, and high schools within the general education setting. Each school district may select from the list of programs appropriate for implementation in the district.