Young Students Working Together
Deaf Education » State and National Resources

State and National Resources

Instructional Strategies for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Instructional Strategies for Deaf Student Success - 3 one hour modules by the National Deaf Center Instructional Strategies for Deaf Student Success  

National Resources

Alexander Graham Bell (AG Bell) is an international organization that is focused on the needs of children who use auditory approaches to communicate. The association also addresses a range of issues of importance to people with hearing losses of all ages. The website includes a variety of parent and teacher resources.
Council on the Education of the Deaf (CED) is a national organization that facilitates informational sharing and collaborative activities within the field of Deaf Education.
National Association for the Deaf (NAD) is a national organization representing people who are Deaf in the United States.
S.E.E. (Seeing Exact English) Center is an organization that works with parents and educators to promote early identification and intervention, the development of improved English skills, relay information on deafness and related topics, and promote the interaction of the child and family with both the deaf and hearing communities.

Technical Assistance/Resource Centers

Gallaudet University Resource Center (GURC) Midwest offers extension courses, training workshops, and technical assistance to address the educational, transition, and professional development needs of deaf and hard of hearing people from birth through adulthood. GURC Midwest is located at the Austin Community College - Riverside Campus. This Center provides services and resources to the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin.
Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center holds the congressional charge to develop, evaluate, and disseminate innovative curricula, instructional techniques and strategies, and materials. The aim of the Clerc Center is to improve the quality of education for deaf and hard of hearing children and youth from birth through age 21.

Other Topic-Specific Information

IDEAs That Work, is a website that is maintained by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). OSEP, directly through its partners and grantees, develops a wide range of research-based products, publications, and resources to assist states, local district personnel, and families to improve results for students with disabilities. Some of the resources available on this website include "Tool Kits on Assessing Students With Disabilities" and "Tool Kit on Universal Design for Learning (UDL)." is a website maintained by the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and serves as a "one-stop shop" for resources related to the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA).