Young Students Working Together
ESSA/ESEA » Grant Support Cooperative

Grant Support Cooperative




The Federal and State Programs Support Cooperative offers comprehensive guidance and assistance to individuals overseeing state and federal programs.  The focus of this cooperative is to ensure that LEAs adhere to the program guidelines and fiscal compliance requirements.  Members of this cooperative gain access to a diverse range of direct services, compliance reviews, and professional growth opportunities.  Given the inherent diversity among schools in terms of needs and resources, our team prioritizes providing personalized and practical support for the tasks involved in managing various fund sources.  A major priority is to help districts effectively develop, track and evaluate implemented programs, while also adhering to fiscal regulations.


Highlights of the program include:


  • 6 half days of technical support or training
  • Unlimited virtual technical support
  • Networking opportunities specific to cooperative members
  • The provision of additional physical resources such as TEA/ESC created reference materials and legal guidance handbooks


Cost Savings:


Districts looking to other support providers would pay in excess of $10,000.  Our cooperative would save roughly $2,500 in comparison to similar services.


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