Vendor Opportunities
ESC-20 Conferences and Events - Vendor Opportunities
Accountability Forum
Event Date | 1 time per year |
Audience | Any educator interested in accountability. Focus is for campus and district administrators working in accountability. |
Attendance Estimate | 150 |
Opportunities to Present | None - Acknowledgment Only |
Opportunities to Sponsor | Yes - Lunch & Snacks |
Vendor Table Costs | N/A |
Back to School Nurse Conference
Event Date | August |
Audience | School Nurses |
Attendance Estimate | 200 |
Opportunities to Present | Yes - School Health Topics |
Opportunities to Sponsor | Yes - Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks |
Vendor Table Costs | N/A |
Child Nutrition Summer Workshop
Event Date | June |
Audience | Local Contracting Entities operating the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program |
Attendance Estimate | 700 |
Opportunities to Present | Vendor Acknowledgment Provided |
Opportunities to Sponsor | Yes - Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks |
Vendor Table Costs | No Charge |
Dual Language Conference
Event Date | November |
Audience | District and Campus Leaders; Bilingual/ESL Directors and Instructional Staff |
Attendance Estimate | 350 |
Opportunities to Present | Yes |
Opportunities to Sponsor | Yes - Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks |
Vendor Table Costs | $200 for one Table, $100 Per Each Additional Table |
ESC-20 Centerwide Celebrations
Event Date | September, December & May |
Audience | ESC-20 Staff |
Attendance Estimate | 300 |
Opportunities to Present | Vendor Acknowledgment Provided |
Opportunities to Sponsor | Yes - Awards, Lunch & Door Prizes |
Vendor Table Costs | N/A |
ESC-20 Product Show
Event Date | September |
Audience | Cooperative Members, Superintendents, Business Managers, Purchasing Managers, Child Nutrition Program Directors & Culinary Art HS Students |
Attendance Estimate | 500 |
Opportunities to Present | Yes |
Opportunities to Sponsor | Attendee Bags & Beverages |
Vendor Table Costs | $500 - $600 |
School Safety, School Health, and Mental Health Summit
Event Date | November |
Audience | School Counselors, Social Workers, Mental Health Staff, Safety Contacts, Law Enforcement, Campus Administrators and Educators |
Attendance Estimate | 300 |
Opportunities to Present | Vendor Acknowledgment Provided |
Opportunities to Sponsor | Yes – Attendee Bags, Breakfast or Lunch |
Vendor Cost | $100 |
Family and Community Engagement Symposium
Event Date | November |
Audience | District and Campus Personnel, Community Agencies & Parents |
Attendance Estimate | 400 |
Opportunities to Present | Vendor Acknowledgment Provided |
Opportunities to Sponsor | Yes - Lunch & Snacks |
Vendor Table Costs | $50-$100 |
Library Resource Roundup
Event Date | September |
Audience | Librarians |
Attendance Estimate | 500 |
Opportunities to Present | Yes |
Opportunities to Sponsor | Yes - Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks |
Vendor Table Costs | $150 (blue), $200 (green), $300 (red) |
Event Date | First Wednesday of every month. Exceptions; Oct., Apr., Feb. |
Audience | Superintendents and ESC-20 leadership. |
Attendance Estimate | 75 |
Opportunities to Present | Vendor Acknowledgment Provided |
Opportunities to Sponsor | Yes-Breakfast |
Vendor Table Costs | N/A |
Event Date | October, February, April, June |
Audience | Technology Directors, Network Administrators, Security Administrators, Technical Support Managers, Instructional Technologists, Chief Technology Officers |
Attendance Estimate | 75-125 |
Opportunities to Present | Yes |
Opportunities to Sponsor | Yes, Lunch & Learn Sessions, Lunch Breakfast, Door Prizes, Swag for Meetings and Conferences |
Vendor Table Costs | $350 - $800 |