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Special Education Parent Resources » Community Resources

Community Resources

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Community Resources Across All Region 20 Counties

Texas 211
Search available resources available in your zip code.

Community Resource Coordination Groups (CRCG)
Individuals and families can get help from a CRCG if they are working with a state agency, but the agency cannot meet all their needs. Search by County.

Center on Disability & Development Directory of Community Resources in Texas
Listing of disability resources and community services. Search by County.

Partners Resource Network--TEAM Project
This parent training and information center helps parents understand their child's disability, rights and responsibilities under IDEA, obtain and evaluate resources and services, and participate as team members with professionals in planning services for their children.

Texas Center for Justice and Equity
Resources include community health services, education assistance, housing and legal aid services, employment services, legal clinics, parole offices, and treatment programs. Search by county.

Exceptional Kids Resource Guide for the Special Needs Community
Search for support groups, physicians, and other resources all in one place!

Community Resources by County

Online Directory of Atascosa County
Directory search for health care, public school districts, and other resources.

Camino Real Community Services
Provides comprehensive services to persons with psychiatric needs, individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and infants/toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities.

Alamo Service Connection
Alamo Service Connection, an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) connects seniors, veterans, individuals with disabilities and caregivers to services and resources within the county.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Atascosa Inter-Agency Council

Workforce Solutions Alamo
Resources include Texas Health and Human Services, Children with Disabilities, Developmental Information & Screenings, CHIP and Child's Health, Head Start, Parenting Classes and Other Resources.

Salvation Army
(830) 569-5498. Located in Pleasanton, TX.

Texas Department of Health and Human Services
(830) 796-3507. Located in Jourdanton, TX. Learn more about SNAP food benefits, cash help, health care, support services and WIC food benefits.

ARC-San Antonio
The ARC of SA's Family Support Services works with families and caregivers to develop and implement plans that address the immediate and long-term needs of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Any Baby Can
Serves families of children with disabilities, birth-age 12.

Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium
(210) 370-5239. Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium is a group of 8 service providers that offer no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

Atascosa Christian Assistance Ministry
(830) 742-4901. Located in Poteet, TX.

Alamo Service Connection
Alamo Service Connection, an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) connects seniors, veterans, individuals with disabilities and caregivers to services and resources within the county.

Hill Country MHDD Centers
Provides mental health (adults & children), individual developmental disability, youth empowerment and substance abuse services.

Bandera County Hill Country Portal
Provides a business & organization directory, emergency contacts, and a listing of non-profit, public service and social service organizations.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Workforce Solutions Alamo
Resources include Texas Health and Human Services, Children with Disabilities, Developmental Information & Screenings, CHIP and Child's Health, Head Start, Parenting Classes and Other Resources.

Texas Department of Health and Human Services
(830) 796-3739. Located in Bandera, TX. Learn more about SNAP food benefits, cash help, health care, support services and WIC food benefits.

ARC-San Antonio
The ARC of SA's Family Support Services works with families and caregivers to develop and implement plans that address the immediate and long-term needs of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Any Baby Can
Serves families of children with disabilities, birth-age 12.

Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium
Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium is a group of service providers that offer no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

Bandera County Helping Hand Center
(830) 796-8300. Located in Bandera, TX.

Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium
Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium is a group of service providers that offer no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

San Antonio Community Resource Directory

UT Health Science Center San Antonio Community Resources Directory

ARC of San Antonio Family Support Services
The Family Support Services works with families and caregivers to develop and implement plans that address the immediate and long-term needs of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Scroll down on this page to access their Community Resource Directory and list of Recreation, Respite, Resources, and Camps for Children and Adults with Special Needs for Summer.

Any Baby Can Resource Guides
Any Baby Can strives to provide the most comprehensive Resource Guides for families with children and youth facing serious health or developmental challenges.

Autism Life Links Community Resource Guide
Provides individuals, families and caretakers with resources and information focused on autism spectrum disorder.

San Antonio Housing Authority Community Resource Guide

Bexar County Resources
Search by keyword for community resources.

Bexar County Community Resources
Provides financial assistance for electric and natural gas bills. Other assistance programs include the Resident and Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program, and Pauper Burial Assistance.

Bexar County Reentry Resource Directory
Listing of resources ranging from basic needs to crisis services, education, health services, mental health care and more.

Bexar County Assistance Programs

San Antonio Public Library

ReadyKidSA Substance Abuse Services

Bexar County Department of Community Resources/Comprehensive Energy Assistance

Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) Intellectual & Developmental Disability Services
The Alamo Area Council of Governments IDD Services departments provides the following community services and supports for eligible adults and children with intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, and related conditions and their families in Bexar County: eligibility determination, consumer benefits screening, service coordination, Medicaid waiver programs, assisted residential living and present community options.

Department of Behavioral and Mental Health Resource Directory
This resource directory offers resources available for housing, mental health, hotlines and more.

Bexar CARES Resources

Workforce Solutions Alamo
Resources include Texas Health and Human Services, Children with Disabilities, Developmental Information & Screenings, CHIP and Child's Health, Head Start, Parenting Classes and Other Resources.

Catholic Charities
Provides many community assistance programs, including family and counseling services, community voicemail and immigration/refugee support.

Family Service Association
Programs include education, counseling and senior services, job training & financial stability, parent & community involvement.

Texas Parent to Parent Bexar County Resources

The Gordon Hartman Family Foundation Resource Directory
Simple, yet effective tool for finding current information on existing services available for a wide range of disabilities. Search by disability or by category.

Hill Country MHDD Centers
Provides mental health (adults & children), individual developmental disability, youth empowerment and substance abuse services.

United Way of Comal County
Listing of health and human service agencies and initiatives United Way of Comal County partners with to provide resources to eligible individuals.

Comal County Crisis Center
The center provides services to women, children and men of all ages. These services include 24-crisis line, shelter, counseling, support groups, legal advocacy, assistance with filing for child support, case-management, victim’s advocacy, transportation, information/referral and community education/prevention.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Workforce Solutions Alamo
Resources include Texas Health and Human Services, Children with Disabilities, Developmental Information & Screenings, CHIP and Child's Health, Head Start, Parenting Classes and Other Resources.

Comal County Assistance Programs

Canyon Lake Resource & Recreation Center
Serves the residents of Canyon Lake by providing vital social service resources such as meals on wheels, youth basketball, emergency food pantry, and financial crisis assistance.

Canyon Lake Family, Community & Civic Organizations

Texas Department of Health and Human Services
(830) 625-8023. Located in New Braunfels, TX. Learn more about SNAP food benefits, cash help, health care, support services and WIC food benefits.

ARC-San Antonio
The ARC of SA's Family Support Services works with families and caregivers to develop and implement plans that address the immediate and long-term needs of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Any Baby Can
Serves families of children with disabilities, birth-age 12.

Alamo Service Connection
Alamo Service Connection, an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) connects seniors, veterans, individuals with disabilities and caregivers to services and resources within the county.

Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium
Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium is a group of service providers that offer no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

South Texas Aging and Disability Resource Center
Provides information about services in the county addressing aging and disability needs which includes eligibility screening, comprehensive assessment, community based alternatives, community services, consumer direct services, affordable/accessible housing and services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Online Directory of Dimmit County
Directory Search for health care, public school districts, and other resources.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Community Services Agency of South Texas
Programs include: Head start, Housing, Food Assistance, Meals on Wheels, Utility Assistance, Energy Conservation Programs, Employment Training, Educational Assistance Programs, Homeless Shelters, Services for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers.

Camino Real Community Services
Provides comprehensive services to persons with psychiatric needs, individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and infants/toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities.

Texas Department of Health and Human Services
(830) 876-2456. Located in Carrizo Springs, TX. Learn more about SNAP food benefits, cash help, health care, support services and WIC food benefits.

Family Service Association Rural Area Services
Provides educational services for children, character building and positive reinforcement for youth, and essential resource and referral services for parents in need.

Southwest Texas Junior College Adult Education & Literacy
Offers no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

Alamo Service Connection
Alamo Service Connection, an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) connects seniors, veterans, individuals with disabilities and caregivers to services and resources within the county.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Workforce Solutions Alamo
Resources include Texas Health and Human Services, Children with Disabilities, Developmental Information & Screenings, CHIP and Child's Health, Head Start, Parenting Classes and Other Resources.

Community Services Agency of South Texas
Programs include: Head Start, Housing, Food Assistance, Meals on Wheels, Utility Assistance, Energy Conservation Programs, Employment Training, Educational Assistance Programs, Homeless Shelters, Services for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers.

Camino Real Community Services
Provides comprehensive services to persons with psychiatric needs, individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and infants/toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities.

Southwest Texas Junior College Adult Education & Literacy
Offers no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

Family Service Association Rural Area Services
Provides educational services for children, character building and positive reinforcement for youth, and essential resource and referral services for parents in need.

Any Baby Can
Serves families of children with disabilities, birth-age 12.

Guadalupe County Assistance Programs

Guadalupe County, Texas Legal Aid & Pro Bono Services

Schertz and Surrounding Areas--Community & Social Service Organizations

Guadalupe County Veteran Resource Page

Texas Criminal Justice Coalition County Resources

Seguin Community Resources links

Help for Parents. Hope for Kids. Programs in Guadalupe County

National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) in Guadalupe County

Bluebonnet Trails Community Services

Community Council of South Central Texas
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Resources for Women

Eats Foundation Food Bank

Family Life Center
The Family Life Center is a type of clearing house that receives applications from under-resourced residents of Comal and Guadalupe counties. The Family Life Center will attempt to meet the needs through available resources in their network with other agencies and outreach organizations.

Hill Country MHDD Centers
Provides mental health (adults & children), individual developmental disability, youth empowerment and substance abuse services.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Workforce Solutions Alamo
Resources include Texas Health and Human Services, Children with Disabilities, Developmental Information & Screenings, CHIP and Child's Health, Head Start, Parenting Classes and Other Resources.

Boerne Community Coalition
The Boerne Community Coalition is a collaborative group of local non-profit agencies, civic organizations, churches, businesses, city government, and individuals who come together to help children who are on the Federal Meal Program during the school year by feeding them lunch during the summer when those meals are no longer available. This group also focuses on enrichment/education, access to area benefits, services and organizations, and a supportive network--critical home repairs.

Christian Women Job Corps of Kendall County
This organization teaches job and life skills training, including Microsoft Office 2010 computer software. Located in Boerne, TX.

Texas Department of Health and Human Services
(830) 249-3533. Located in Boerne, TX. Learn more about SNAP food benefits, cash help, health care, support services and WIC food benefits.

Alamo Service Connection
Alamo Service Connection, an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) connects seniors, veterans, individuals with disabilities and caregivers to services and resources within the county.

ARC-San Antonio
The ARC of SA's Family Support Services works with families and caregivers to develop and implement plans that address the immediate and long-term needs of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Hill Country Family Services Assistance Programs

Any Baby Can
Serves families of children with disabilities, birth-age 12.

Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium
Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium is a group of service providers that offer no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.


Hill Country MHDD Centers
Provides mental health (adults & children), individual developmental disability, youth empowerment and substance abuse services.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Workforce Solutions Alamo
Resources include Texas Health and Human Services, Children with Disabilities, Developmental Information & Screenings, CHIP and Child's Health, Head Start, Parenting Classes and Other Resources.

Hill Country Cares
Hill Country CARES promotes healthy relationships and seeks to prevent domestic and sexual crimes by working with people at high risk of victimization and the perpetrators themselves. They help by providing services in intervention, prevention, education and outreach through Family CARES, Kid CARES, and Kids' Advocacy Place.

Any Baby Can KERR County Resource Guide
Listing of family services, adult education/training, crisis services, medical services, specialized and support services, autism support and community/auxiliary services.

Doyle School Community Center
Programs: Mentoring and tutoring in the afterschool program, summer events for youth, summer field trips, community events.

Baptist Child and Family Services
(830) 896-0993. Located in Kerrville, TX. BCFS is an innovative and dynamic system of non-profit organizations that is constantly evolving to meet the needs of at-risk populations. Services include emergency management, medical & healthcare, children & families, youth & teens, juvenile justice, community development and people with disabilities.

Kerr County Christian Assistance Ministry
The Kerr County Area Christian Assistance Ministry (C.A.M.) centralizes resources for Kerr County by providing food, clothing,  and assistance with utilities and prescription medicine.

Parenting Resource Center
The Parenting Resource Center provides resources for moms, babies, and families.

Families and Literacy, Inc.
Located in Kerrville, TX. This organization offers classes in GED preparation, Adult Basic Education, Citizenships, ESL, parenting and personal finance.

Salvation Army Social Services

Alamo Service Connection
Alamo Service Connection, an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) connects seniors, veterans, individuals with disabilities and caregivers to services and resources within the county.

Texas Department of Health and Human Services
(830) 896-3933. Located in Kerrville, TX. Learn more about SNAP food benefits, cash help, health care, support services and WIC food benefits.

Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium
(210) 370-5239. Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium is a group of 8 service providers that offer no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

Hill Country MHDD Centers
Provides mental health (adults & children), individual developmental disability, youth empowerment and substance abuse services.

South Texas Aging and Disability Resource Center
Provides information about services in the county addressing aging and disability needs which includes eligibility screening, comprehensive assessment, community based alternatives, community services, consumer direct services, affordable/accessible housing and services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Southwest Texas Junior College Adult Education & Literacy
Offers no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

Texas Department of Health and Human Services
(830) 563-2473. Located in Brackettville, TX. Learn more about SNAP food benefits, cash help, health care, support services and WIC food benefits.

Family Service Association Rural Area Services
Provides educational services for children, character building and positive reinforcement for youth, and essential resource and referral services for parents in need.

Kinney County Church Alliance
(830) 563-2017. Located in Brackettville, TX provides resources, charity services and advocacy assistance.

South Texas Aging and Disability Resource Center
Provides information about services in the county addressing aging and disability needs which includes eligibility screening, comprehensive assessment, community based alternatives, community services, consumer direct services, affordable/accessible housing and services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.


Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Community Services Agency of South Texas
Programs include: Head Start, Housing, Food Assistance, Meals on Wheels, Utility Assistance, Energy Conservation Programs, Employment Training, Educational Assistance Programs , Homeless Shelters, Services for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers.

Camino Real Community Services
Provides comprehensive services to persons with psychiatric needs, individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and infants/toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities.

Southwest Texas Junior College Adult Education & Literacy
Offers no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

South Texas Aging and Disability Resource Center
Provides information about services in the county addressing aging and disability needs which includes eligibility screening, comprehensive assessment, community based alternatives, community services, consumer direct services, affordable/accessible housing and services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Family Resources Eagle Pass Yellow Pages
Listing of family services located in Eagle Pass, TX.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Camino Real Community Services
Provides comprehensive services to persons with psychiatric needs, individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and infants/toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities.

Eagle Pass Heroes
The philosophy behind Eagle Pass HEROES is to assist those in our community with resources for children with special needs.

Family Service Association Rural Area Services
Provides educational services for children, character building and positive reinforcement for youth, and essential resource and referral services for parents in need.

Southwest Texas Junior College Adult Education & Literacy
Offers no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

Community Action Social Services & Education, Inc.
(830) 773-7274. Located in Eagle Pass, TX.

Seco Mines Community Center
(830) 773-5588. Located in Eagle Pass, TX. Provides individual and family services.


Hill Country MHDD Centers
Provides mental health (adults & children), individual developmental disability, youth empowerment and substance abuse services.


Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Workforce Solutions Alamo
Resources include Texas Health and Human Services, Children with Disabilities, Developmental Information & Screenings, CHIP and Child's Health, Head Start, Parenting Classes and Other Resources.

Southwest Texas Junior College Adult Education & Literacy
Offers no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

Texas Department of Health and Human Services
(830) 426-5533. Located in Hondo, TX. Learn more about SNAP food benefits, cash help, health care, support services and WIC food benefits.

Any Baby Can
Serves families of children with disabilities, birth-age 12.

Medina County Food Pantry
(830) 426-4847. Located in Hondo, TX.

South Texas Aging and Disability Resource Center
Provides information about services in the county addressing aging and disability needs which includes eligibility screening, comprehensive assessment, community based alternatives, community services, consumer direct services, affordable/accessible housing and services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Southwest Texas Assistance Programs
Programs include: Head Start, Housing, Food Assistance , Meals on Wheels, Utility Assistance, Energy Conservation Programs, Employment Training, Educational Assistance Programs, Homeless Shelters, Services for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers.

Any Baby Can
Serves families of children with disabilities, birth-age 12.

Southwest Texas Junior College Adult Education & Literacy
Offers no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.  

South Texas Aging and Disability Resource Center
Provides information about services in the county addressing aging and disability needs which includes eligibility screening, comprehensive assessment, community based alternatives, community services, consumer direct services, affordable/accessible housing and services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Southwest Texas Assistance Programs
Programs include: Head Start, Housing, Food Assistance, Meals on Wheels, Utility Assistance, Energy Conservation Programs, Employment Training, Educational Assistance Programs, Homeless Shelters, Services for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers.

Camino Real Community Services
Provides comprehensive services to persons with psychiatric needs, individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and infants/toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities.

Hill Country MHDD Centers
Provides mental health (adults & children), individual developmental disability, youth empowerment and substance abuse services.

Family, Community & Civic Organizations

Family Service Association
(830) 278-1586. Located in Uvalde, TX. This agency offers mental health counseling, financial counseling, substance abuse treatment and many other services.

Family Service Association Rural Area Services
Provides educational services for children, character building and positive reinforcement for youth, and essential resource and referral services for parents in need.

Southwest Texas Junior College Adult Education & Literacy 
Offers no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.  

Texas Department of Health and Human Services
(830) 278-1583. Located in Uvalde, TX. Learn more about SNAP food benefits, cash help, health care, support services and WIC food benefits.

Any Baby Can
Serves families of children with disabilities, birth-age 12.

Uvalde County Mental Health Center
(830) 278-2501. Located in Uvalde, TX.

Uvalde Work Center
(830) 278-1243. Located in Uvalde, TX. Services for developmental disabilities.

Alamo Service Connection
Alamo Service Connection, an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) connects seniors, veterans, individuals with disabilities and caregivers to services and resources within the county.


South Texas Aging and Disability Resource Center
Provides information about services in the county addressing aging and disability needs which includes eligibility screening, comprehensive assessment, community based alternatives, community services, consumer direct services, affordable/accessible housing and services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Workforce Solutions Alamo
Resources include Texas Health and Human Services, Children with Disabilities, Developmental Information & Screenings, CHIP and Child's Health, Headstart, Parenting Classes and Other Resources.

Camino Real Community Services
Provides comprehensive services to persons with psychiatric needs, individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and infants/toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities.

Floresville Food Pantry and Resource Center

Floresville Community Resources & Links

Texas Department of Health and Human Services
(830) 393-3141. Located in Floresville, TX. Learn more about SNAP food benefits, cash help, health care, support services and WIC food benefits.

ARC-San Antonio
The ARC of SA's Family Support Services works with families and caregivers to develop and implement plans that address the immediate and long-term needs of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Any Baby Can
Serves families of children with disabilities, birth-age 12.

Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium
Adult Education & Literacy Alamo Consortium is a group of service providers that offer no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.

South Texas Resource and Assistance Center
(830) 393-7888. Located in Floresville, TX. Provides human service resources and transportation assistance.

Food Pantry and Clothing Closet
(830) 484-2324. Located in Poth, TX. Offers clothing, nutritional education and disaster relief as needed.

South Texas Aging and Disability Resource Center
Provides information about services in the county addressing aging and disability needs which includes eligibility screening, comprehensive assessment, community based alternatives, community services, consumer direct services, affordable/accessible housing and services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.


Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc.
CCSCT, Inc. is dedicated to empowering low-income families and individuals in South Central Texas by helping them transition out of poverty and become self-sufficient. The organization does this by providing comprehensive health, nutrition and social service programs that support families and individuals throughout the transition period.

Camino Real Community Services
Provides comprehensive services to persons with psychiatric needs, individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and infants/toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities.

Family Service Association
(830) 374-9605. Located in Crystal City, TX. This agency offers mental health counseling, financial counseling, substance abuse treatment and many other services.

Family Service Association Rural Area Services
Provides educational services for children, character building and positive reinforcement for youth, and essential resource and referral services for parents in need.

Southwest Texas Junior College Adult Education & Literacy 
Offers no-cost ESL, High School Equivalency preparation, and career training classes for adult learners as young as 16 years old.  

Texas Department of Health and Human Services
(830) 374-2327. Located in Crystal City, TX. Learn more about SNAP food benefits, cash help, health care, support services and WIC food benefits.