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Special Education Parent Resources » Autism Resources

Autism Resources


Web Links

ESC-20 Autism FAQs

Autism Lifeline Links
Autism Lifeline Links provides services in Bexar County and surrounding areas and is comprised of a group of community agencies providing care coordination, diagnostic services, behavioral support and therapy services, education and support groups, financial assistance for medical expenses and basic needs, respite care, registration with long-term support programs, and much more.

Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism Training

Autism Internet Modules (AIM)
AIM is designed to provide high-quality information and professional development for anyone who supports, instructs, works with, or lives with someone with autism. Each module guides you through case studies, instructional videos, pre- and post-assessments, a glossary, and much more.

Texas Health and Human Services Autism Program

Social Competence Strategies for Families Video Series
Social competence is the ability to interact successfully with peers and adults in a variety of situations and environments. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may find this to be a significant challenge. This 4-part series provides information on evidence-based strategies that families can implement to help build social skills in their children with ASD and work towards social competence.

National Autism Center Resources for Families

Any Baby Can of San Antonio Resource Guides

Autism Social Stories

Autism Community Network Services for Families

Autism Society Resources

Autism Speaks Websites for Families

The ARC’s Autism Now

The Top 10 Autism Websites Recommended by Parents

Helping Your Child with Autism Thrive 

Sesame Street and Autism