Committee of Practitioners (COP)
The statutory purpose of the Title I Committee of Practitioners (COP) is to review any state rules, regulations and policies relating to Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, to ensure they conform to the purposes of Title I. The COP must review and approve each change to said rules, regulations and policies. When an emergency demands swift adoption of a rule or regulation to assist with the operation of a Title I program, the COP may not be able to review the proposed rule or regulation beforehand. In these cases, the TEA may issue a regulation without prior consultation and will immediately convene the COP to review the emergency regulation before finalizing it. The committee also conducts a peer review of Individual Programmatic Ed-Flex waiver applications and makes recommendations for approval to the Commissioner or his/her designee, thus functioning as the state’s Ed-Flex committee.
Each state educational agency that receives funds under ESEA, as amended by ESSA of 2015, Title I, Part F, Section 1603(b) is required to create a state COP to advise the state in carrying out its responsibilities under Title I. The COP membership represents all geographic regions of the state and provides for an equitable balance among representatives of parents, educators and education officials.
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