Young Students Working Together
Programs and Services » Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) » Response to Intervention (RtI)

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a multi-tiered approach that schools use to support students, specifically those who are having difficulty with academics or behavior.  The goal of RtI is to provide interventions to reduce gaps and help all students be successful. 
There are typically three tiers of support in an RtI model.
Tier 1 includes classroom-wide support for all students.
Tier 2 provides targeted support to address a student's gaps in skills.
Tier 3 involves intensive support usually provided more frequently and in smaller groups.
RtI is encompassed in a larger framework called Multi-Tiered System of Supports or MTSS.  MTSS broadens the scope to support the whole child: academics, behavior, and mental health.
Like RtI, the MTSS model is used to identify students in need of additional support.  The MTSS team will set goals and provide students with evidence-based interventions to reduce academic and/or behavioral gaps.  The team will then use data to progress monitor and make decisions for each individual child.
RtI/MTSS should NOT be used to delay or deny access to special education or other systems of support for students, nor should it require a student to go through all RtI tiers or spend a certain amount of time in RtI before they are referred for a special education evaluation.  
For more information, training opportunities, and resources, please visit the Education Service Center, Region 20's MTSS website.