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Programs and Services » Early Childhood » High Quality Pre-K Components

High Quality Pre-K Components

High-Quality PreK and Title I Family Engagement Guide 

This resource is designed to address common questions regarding the two required family engagement plans. The questions and answers in this document are intended to help LEAs understand the specific components that must be included to comply with both HQPK and Title I, Part A family engagement plan requirements and policies. Additional information, resources, and sample plans are linked at the end of this document. 


This high-quality component certifies that the curriculum used in PK aligns with the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines.

Student Progress Monitoring

This high-quality component supports educators in collecting and utilizing assessment data to inform instruction.
5 Required Domains:
  • Language and Communication
  • Emergent Literacy: Reading
  • Emergent Literacy: Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Health and Wellness

Teacher Qualifications

This high-quality component confirms that teachers of young students are well prepared to carry out their important responsibilities.

Student-Teacher Ratio

Consistently maintained effective teacher/student ratios allow LEAs to ensure that the needs of all students are met.

Family Engagement

Strong family engagement is central to promoting children’s development and supporting their academic achievement.

Program Evaluation 

Continuous improvement is a hallmark of a high-quality prekindergarten program. Program evaluations should be conducted annually.
** Refer to Pre-K Self Assessment Tab

Data Reporting 

To better inform families, school administrators, educators, community stakeholders, and policymakers about the effectiveness of specific programs.

PEIMS = Public Education Information Management System (for all local education agencies)

ECDS = Early Childhood Data System (for prekindergarten and kindergarten programs only)