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Programs and Services » Special Education » Resources - Campus Administrators

Resources - Campus Administrators

The resources on this page are intended to assist campus administrators to quickly locate special education information, contacts, and training material to support their daily interaction with students receiving special education services, the parents of these students and the team that supports these students.

ARD Committee

ARD Committee Members required at every ARD

Parent/ Adult Student

LEA Representative

General Ed. Teacher

Special Ed. Teacher

Someone who can interpret instructional implications of evaluation results

Legal Framework - ARD Committee

ARD Committee Members required under certain conditions

CTE (preferably a teacher) when considering initial or continued placement in program

LPAC Member if student is ELL

Discretionary ARD Committee members invited to annual ARD or when needed

Related Services i.e. Occupational Therapist

Physical Therapist

Speech Language Pathologist 



The LEA must provide prior written notice to the parent before it:

1. Proposes or refuses to initiate or change the identification of the child

2. Proposes or refuses to initiate or change the evaluation of the child

3. Proposes or refuses to initiate or change the educational placement of the child

4. Proposes or refuses to initiate or change the provision of a free appropriate public education to the child

5. Ceases the provision of special education and related services due to the parent's revocation of CONSENT FOR SERVICES

Legal Framework: Prior Written Notice


The web-page below offers State and National guidance on disciplinary removals, assessment in disciplinary settings, significant discrepancies in disciplinary placements and how these discrepancies are calculated and reported. 

TEA Webpage Discipline and School Removals


State Assessment

The link below takes you to TEA's STAAR Alt 2 Resource Page with information on supports, eligibility and participation requirements.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TEA STAAR Alt 2 Resources and Eligibility Forms

The link below connects you to TEA's Accommodation Resources page that outlines STAAR Accessibility Features, Designated Supports and Designated Supports requiring TEA Approval. This page has TEA materials which explain eligibility requirements of the supports and examples of the supports.

TEA Accommodation Resource page

The link below connects you to the ESC 20 Special Education STAAR webpage with information relating to students receiving special education services and STAAR participation.



ESC 20 STAAR for Special Education webpage