Site-Based Decision Making (SBDM)
The Leadership Development Team (LDT) offers online and/or on-site training and technical assistance to campuses and districts on the roles and responsibilities of Site-Based Decision Making team members, including the superintendent, principal, and district- and campus-level committees, in order to improve the performance of all students. In addition, the LDT can customize trainings to meet the specific needs of campuses/districts on various topics, such as legislation, team building, conflict resolution, and comprehensive needs assessment.
The Texas Education Code (TEC) sets out minimum requirements for district and campus planning and decision making that all school districts must satisfy. It is the responsibility of each school district to interpret and implement the provisions of the TEC in a manner consistent with the statute that will best serve the school district’s unique characteristics.
This site hosts a compilation of materials gathered in partnership with ESCs across the state, as well as from the District and Campus Planning and Decision Making Resource Guide originated in the Texas Education Agency. These materials have been updated and edited most recently by staff at ESC-20, but they are designed to be easily modified for your customization.